Gareth Thomas Materials Excellence Award

Man smiling


This award was established in 2015 collaboratively between UC Berkeley and UC San Diego in order to honor a pioneer in Materials who contributed to education and research for fifty years.

Submission Rules:

The selection will be made from nominations submitted by the materials science faculty. Each nomination should be accompanied by a detailed nomination letter, copies of up to three publications co-authored by the nominee, and a complete CV of the nominee. The review committee will evaluate the nominations according to the following criteria:

a. Research contribution of the student, with an emphasis on journal publications.

b. Academic excellence, including number of courses and grades received by the student.

c. Integrity and spirit of cooperation/leadership of the student.

Questions can be sent to:

Dr. Gareth Thomas, professor emeritus of UC Berkeley and Associate Director of the Institute for Mechanics and Materials at UC San Diego, was a leading Materials Scientist of the twentieth century and contributed to the creation of the academic discipline. He is best known for his groundbreaking contributions to the development of electron microscopy as a tool in Materials Science. He also contributed greatly to research on the structure and properties of materials, led scientific societies and technical journals in the field, and educated a generation of productive materials scientists. He was known for being driven, competitive, and for his great game of rugby.

This award consists of a bronze bust in the likeness of Dr. Gareth Thomas and honors the memory of a great University of California materials scientist who achieved global recognition for his pioneering work on the advanced characterization of materials by transmission electron microscopy and for the development of novel high-strength steels.

Award Details

1. This award will be given yearly to two deserving University of California students, one from UC Berkeley and the other from UC San Diego. The nominee should be a current doctoral student.

2. The awardees will be selected by a review committee, comprised of nine members:

a. The Chair of the Materials Science and Engineering Department at UC Berkeley.

b. The Director of the Program in Materials Science and Engineering at UC San Diego. 

c. A materials science faculty member from UC Berkeley designated by the Chair.

d. A materials science faculty member from UC San Diego designated by the Director.

e. Five members from outside UC Berkeley and UC San Diego, well known in the fields of materials science, engineering and/or electron microscopy.

f. Mrs. Annelies Thomas-Zeeman, who will serve as a non-grading member that will cast a decisive vote in the event of a tie.

3. The selection will be made from nominations submitted by the materials science faculty. Each nomination should be accompanied by a detailed nomination letter, copies of up to three publications co-authored by the nominee, and a complete CV of the nominee. The review committee will evaluate the nominations according to the following criteria:

a. Research contribution of the student, with an emphasis on journal publications.

b. Academic excellence, including number of courses and grades received by the student.

c. Integrity and spirit of cooperation/leadership of the student.

4. The award will be advertised among all materials science faculty and graduate students at UC Berkeley and UC San Diego and in a website developed for this purpose. 

5. The award will be given annually at ceremonies at UC San Diego and UC Berkeley by Mrs. Annelies Thomas-Zeeman (if she can attend)

6. Only one nomination is allowed per nominator.

Recipients of the Gareth Thomas Materials Excellence Award will receive this bust (created by artist Joop Gihaux) along with a check.



Sculpture of man's face


Joop Gihaux
Sculptor and Artistic Painter

Contrary to what his French surname assumes, Joop Gihaux is a real Dutchman! He was born and raised in the Netherlands. He worked and lived in Amsterdam until the turn of the century when he and his wife decided to move to France, where they bought a beautiful Maison de Maître in the Burgundy region. For Joop, this was the perfect place and environment to deepen his two passions: painting and sculpturing. Joop finally found the peace and time to devote himself to sculpturing in the French countryside. Joop has proven to be a talented painter and makes large, colorful, and very powerful abstract paintings. Joop started to sculpt in the Netherlands in the 1980s where he became a pupil of John de Bont, a well-known Dutch sculptor based in Amsterdam. Through the years, Joop developed his own style of sculpturing and in contrast to his paintings, his sculptures are less abstract. He enjoys creating portraits and busts of people, which requires a more realistic approach. His sculptures are powerful and express a rough beauty.

Joop was flattered to receive a request from Annelies Thomas in 2014 to create a portrait bust of her late husband, Professor Gareth Thomas, for the purpose of the Gareth Thomas Materials Excellence Award. Joop had never met Gareth and worked from photo material only- making this piece of art a true challenge! The bronze bust was cast by Kunstbronsgieterij De Groeve, in Merelbeke-Belgium.

Gareth Thomas Best Presentation Award

The four runner-up nominees for the Materials Excellence Award will be eligible to compete for the Gareth Thomas Best Presentation Award. The nominees will be asked to give a presentation on their research and judged by a panel of former Gareth Thomas Materials Excellence Award winners and invited honorary guest speakers of the Gareth Thomas Award Ceremony. 



  • 2003 Acta Materialia Gold Medal
  • 2002 Charles Barrett Silver Medal
  • 2001 First Albany Int. Distinguished Lecture in MATS-  "Microstructural Design of Engineering Materials" Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • 2001 ASM International Gold Medallist
  • 1999 Doctorate, Honoris Causa, University of Mining and Metallurgy, Kraków, Poland
  • 1998 Honorary Member, Japan Institute of Metals
  • 1998 Managing Director, Acta Met. Inc., Board of Governors
  • 1996 Honorary Member, India Institute of Metals and Mat. Res. Soc.
  • 1996 Honorary Member, Korean Institute of Metals and Materials
  • 1996 Honorary D.Sc., Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
  • 1996 Alexander von Humboldt Senior Scientist Award, IFW, Dresden, Germany
  • 1995 "Best of What's New Award," Popular Science magazine, December 1995
  • 1995 The Berkeley Citation for Distinguished Achievement, UC Berkeley
  • 1994 Honorary Member, Mat. Res. Soc. of India
  • 1994 Medal of Academy of Mining and Metallurgy, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow
  • 1991 Albert Sauveur Achievement Award (ASM International)
  • 1987 I-R 100 Award, Research and Development Magazine
  • 1987 Elected, Fellow, Univ. Wales, Cardiff, U.K.
  • 1987 Henry Clifton Sorby Award, International Metallographic Society
  • 1985 Honorary Professorship-Beijing University of Science & Technology
  • 1983 Confucius Memorial Teaching Award, Republic of China (Taiwan)
  • 1983 Elected to the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.
  • 1982 Elected to the National Academy of Engineering, U.S.
  • 1981 Alexander von Humboldt Senior Scientist Award, Max Planck Institute, Stuttgart
  • 1980 EMSA "Distinguished Scientist Award" for Physical Sciences
  • 1979 Fellow, Metallurgical Society of AIME
  • 1978 Ernest O. Lawrence Award (U.S. Department of Energy)
  • 1977 The Rosenhain Medal (The Metals Society, U.K.)
  • 1976 Fellow, Royal Microscopical Society, U.K.
  • 1976 Fellow, American Society for Metals
  • 1973 Visiting Professor at Nagoya University, Japan Society for Promotion of Science
  • 1971-72 Guggenheim Fellow; Visiting Fellow, Clare Hall, Cambridge University
  • 1970 Work chosen by Japanese Government, Japanese Pavilion Exhibition in Expo '70
  • 1969 Sc.D., Cambridge University, Cambridge, England
  • 1966 Curtis-McGraw Research Award (American Society for Engineering Education)
  • 1966 Grossman Publication Award (American Society for Metals) for paper "Structure and Strength of Ausformed Steels", Trans. ASM, 58, 563 (1965).
  • 1965 Bradley Stoughton Teaching Award, American Society for Metals
  • 1964 Miller Research Professor, UC Berkeley
  • 1953 National Undergraduate Student Prize, Institute of Metals (London)
Professional Activities
  • 1998- Technical Director, Acta Materialia, Inc. Board of Governors
  • 1995-98 Editor in Chief, Acta Materialia and Scripta Materialia
  • Founder Member, Editorial Board, NanoStructured Materials (Elsevier)
  • 1991-95 Vice President, International Federation of Societies for Electron Microscopy
  • 1986-90 President, International Federation of Societies for Electron Microscopy
  • 1983-elected member Nat. Acad.Sciences-U.S.
  • 1984-elected member Nat. Acad. Engineering-U.S.
  • 1974-86 Secretary General, International Federation of Societies for Electron Microscopy
  • 1991-94 Reappointed, Member, Board of Governors Acta Metallurgica, Inc.
  • 1987-88 Member, U.S. Department of Energy E. O. Lawrence Award Selection Committee
  • 1982-85 Chairman, Acta Metallurgica, Inc. Board of Governors
  • 1985-90 Member, Acta Metallurgica, Inc. Board of Governors
  • 1978-81 TMS-AIME Board of Directors
  • President, Electron Microscopy Society of America
  • 1972-73 UC Covenio Program, Visiting Professor, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile
  • 1961-2014- Served on many national and international committees including National Research Council (U.S.), International Federation of Electron Microscopy Societies, EMSA, ASM, TMS, University of California, editorial boards, etc.
  • Served on science and technology boards (Taiwan, Singapore, Korea, South Africa, and Mexico) as materials advisor.


Man smiling

  • BSc (Hons.) First Class (1952) University of Wales, Cardiff (U.K.)
  • Ph.D. (1955), Sc.D. (1969), Cambridge University (U.K.)
  • Honorary Doctorates:
    • D.Sc., Lehigh University (U.S.)- 1996
    • Dr. Honoris Causa (Krakow, Poland)- 1999
  • At UC Berkeley since 1960; Professor since 1966
    • Former Associate Dean, UC Graduate School
    • Acting Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs 1971-1972
    • Founder of National Center for Electron Microscopy at LBNL- 1983
    • Professor in the Graduate School- 1995
    • Graduated over 100 post-graduates 
Preface from "Nano and Microstructural Design of Advanced Materials: A Commemorative Volume on Professor G. Thomas' Seventieth Birthday", Edited by M.A. Meyers, R.O. Ritchie, M. Sarikaya

The importance of the nanoscale effect has been recognized in materials research for over fifty years. The understanding and control of the nanostructure has been, to a large extent, made possible by new atomic analysis and characterization methods. Transmission electron microscopy revolutionized the investigation of materials. This volume focuses on the effective use of advanced analysis and characterization methods for the design of materials. The nanostructural and microstructural design for a set of targeted mechanical/functional properties has become a recognized field in Materials Science and Engineering. This book contains a series of authoritative and up-to-date articles by a group of experts and leaders in this field. It is based on a three-day symposium held at the joint TMS-ASM meeting in Columbus, Ohio. The book is comprised of three parts: Characterization, Functional Materials, and Structural Materials. The book is dedicated to Gareth Thomas who pioneered this approach to materials science and engineering area over a wide range of materials problems and applications.

Professor Thomas’ lifetime in research was devoted to understanding the fundamentals of structure-property relations in materials for which he also pioneered the development and applications of electron microscopy and microanalysis. He established the first laboratory for high-voltage electron microscopy at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. His research contributed to the development and nano/microstructural tailoring of materials from steels and aluminum alloys to high-temperature and functional ceramics and magnetic materials, for specific property performances, and resulted in a dozen patents.

Professor Thomas was a pioneer and world leader in the applications of electron microscopy to materials in general. Following his Ph.D. at Cambridge in 1995, as an ICI Fellow, he resolved the problem of intergranular embrittlement in the Al/Zn/ Mg high strength alloys with failed in the tree Comet aircraft crashes and became identified with Prof. Jack Nutting as the “PFZ” –precipitate-free-zone, condition, now in wide general use to describe grain boundary morphologies leading to intergranular corrosion and mechanical failure. This work prompted Dr. Kent van Alcoa to invite him to spend the summer of 1959 in their research labs at New Kensington, Pennsylvania. From there and after a trans-USA lecture tour, he was invited in 1960 to join the UC Berkeley faculty, (becoming a full professor in 1966), where he started a major research program within the newly formed “Inorganic Materials Research Division ”of the (now ) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. It was there, after nine years of effort, that he founded the National Center for Electron Microscopy, which opened in 1982 and which he directed until he resigned in 1993, to spend 1.5 years helping establish the University of Science & Technology in Hong Kong. There he also set up and directed the Technology Transfer Center. He returned to Berkeley in 1994 to continue teaching and conducting research, and in his career had over 100 graduates. With his students and colleagues, he had over 500 publications and several books, including the first text on Electron Microscopy of Metals (1962), and a widely used referenced text Transmission Electron Microscopy of Materials with M.J. Goringe in 1979.

His academic career at Berkeley included administrative services as the Associate Dean of the Graduate Division, and Assistant and Acting Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs during the turbulent years of student unrest (1966-72). He was Chair Faculty of the College of Engineering (1972-73), and Senior Faculty Scientist for LBNL-DOE, who sponsored most of his research funding. In 1995, he received the Berkeley Citation for “Distinguished Achievement”. Professor Thomas was Associate Director for the Institute for Mechanics and Materials at UC San Diego from 1993 to 1996. In this capacity, he formulated new research directions and stimulated research at the interface of mechanics and materials. In his final roles, he served as a Professor in the Graduate School at UC Berkeley, Professor-on-Recall at UC San Diego, and the VP of R&D at MMFX Technology, which was founded in 1999 to utilize steels for improved corrosion-resistant concrete reinforcement. In the U.S., infrastructure repair costs are in the trillion-dollar range. In 2002, MMFX Technology received the Pankow Award (American Inst. Of Civil Engineers) for innovation in Engineering, based on Prof. Thomas’ patents on nano microcomposite steels.

Professor Thomas also played an important role in promoting the profession. In 1974, he became president of the Electron Microscopy Society of the U.S. as well as the Secretary General of the International Societies for Electron Microscopy for an unprecedented 12 years and President for four years. He lectured extensively in foreign countries and helped promote microscopy and materials in developing countries, also serving as an advisor in China, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, Poland, México, et al. He served on many committees of ASM, TMS, and the National Research Council.  He was Editor-in-Chief (1995-1998) and Technical Director (1998-2002) of Acta and Scripta Metallurgica (now Materialia) and reorganized the editorial structure of the journal. He also served as Chairman of the Board between 1982-1984.

In recognition of his many achievements, Professor Thomas received numerous honors and awards, including: Honorary Doctorates from Lehigh University (1996) and Krakow University (1999); the Acta Materialia Gold Medal (2003), the ASM Gold Medal (2001), the Sauveur Achievement Award (ASM- 1991), the E.O. Lawrence Award (U.S. Dept. of Energy-1978), the Rosenhain Medal (The Metals Soc-U.K.- 1977), the Guggenheim Fellow Award (1972), the von Humboldt Senior Scientist awards (1996 & 1981), the I-R Award (R&D Magazine-1987), the Sorby Award (IMS-1987), the Bradley Stoughton Teaching Award (ASM) (1956), the Grossman (ASM) and Curtis-McGraw (ASEE) Research Awards (1966), and the Distinguished Scientist Award (EMSA-1980); Honorary Professor of Beijing University of Sci. & Technology (1958), and Honorary Memberships in Foreign Materials societies (Japan, Korea, India, etc.).

He was a Fellow of numerous scientific societies. In recognition of these achievements, Professor Thomas was elected to both the National Academy of Sciences (1983) and the National Academy of Engineering (1982). Professor Thomas, born in South Wales, U.K., was also a former rugby and cricket player (member, MCC), enjoyed skiing, and attended the grand opera.

The editors thank the speakers at the symposium and the authors of the scholarly contributions presented in this volume. Special gratitude is expressed to Prof. S. Suresh for having enabled the publication of this volume by Elsevier. All royalties from the sale of this book are being donated to the TMS/AIME and ASM societies for the establishment of an award recognizing excellence in Mechanical Behavior of Materials.

In Memoriam, by J.W. Morris Jr.

Professor Gareth Thomas was almost universally recognized as one of the leading Materials Scientists of the twentieth century, and was, in fact, one of those who created this academic discipline. He was best known for his seminal contributions to the development of electron microscopy as a central research tool in Materials Science. He was also honored for the breadth and depth of his research on the structure and properties of materials, for his executive leadership of the leading scientific societies and technical journals in the field, and for his significant contributions to the education of a generation of productive materials scientists.

Gareth Thomas was born on August 9, 1932, in Wales and completed his undergraduate degree in Metallurgy, from the University of Wales, Cardiff, in 1952. He then entered Cambridge University to pursue a Ph.D. in Metallurgy. Cambridge was a hotbed of research and development in transmission electron microscopy, a new tool that permitted scientists, for the first time, to study the microstructure of materials at the nanoscale and to characterize such important crystal defects as dislocations and nanoprecipitates. This revolutionary observational tool led to an explosion of new information on the nature of materials at the nanoscale along with an avalanche of new understanding of why materials behaved as they did and how that behavior might be controlled. Gareth immersed himself in this new technology, became one of its rising stars, and generated important new results on the hardening of aerospace aluminum alloys. His research proved very useful in the analysis of the aluminum fatigue failures that led to the demise of the Comet aircraft, the first commercial passenger jet.

On completing his Ph.D. in 1959, Gareth came to the United States as a Visiting Scientist at the Alcoa Research Center. Shortly thereafter, he was offered a faculty position in what is now the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at UC Berkeley, with a specific assignment to develop transmission electron microscopy as a research tool for the study of materials. He spent the rest of his career at Berkeley as a Professor of Metallurgy, moving to Professor of the Graduate School on his semi-retirement in 1995, and to Professor Emeritus of Materials Science in 2006. Until 1995, he held a joint appointment with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

In research, Professor Thomas was best known for his leadership in the field of electron microscopy. By the end of the 1960s, he had developed one of the world’s leading laboratories at Berkeley. This activity culminated in the founding of the National Center for Electron Microscopy at LBNL in 1983. Gareth Thomas was the founding Scientific Director of NCEM and held the position until 1993.

However, Gareth was always of the opinion that electron microscopy was a tool rather than an end in itself and should be judged by its value in research. He exemplified that attitude by doing significant research on a broad range of topics in Materials Science. His research on the structure and properties of alloy steels generated important scientific contributions to steel metallurgy, the development of a series of new alloy steels, including some of the first “dual-phase” steels, and the commercialization of those alloys through his participation in a company, MMFX Technologies, that exploited his results. His research on magnetic materials led to significant publications and patents in that technology, particularly including the development of giant magneto-resistive heterogeneous alloys. He also contributed to the characterization and development of advanced structural ceramics. His intellectual contributions are recorded in two influential texts, in more than 500 scientific articles, and in a dozen patents. His contributions are recognized in a lengthy list of prestigious awards, including election to both the National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Science, an Sc.D. awarded by Cambridge University, honorary doctorates from Lehigh University and from the University of Mining and Metallurgy (Krakow), election to the grade of Fellow in the American Society for Metals (ASM), the Royal Microscopical Society (U.K.) and The Metallurgical Society (TMS), honorary memberships in the Japan Institute of Metals, the Korean Institute of Metals, the Indian Institute of Metals and Materials, and many other prestigious awards from technical societies in the materials community.

His professional leadership in the materials community included his service as President of the Electron Microscopy Society of America and the International Federation of Societies for Electron Microscopy, his service as Editor and Technical Director of Acta Materialia, which is, arguably, the leading technical journal in Materials Science, and his membership on the Board of Directors of The Metallurgical Society (TMS).

His contributions to the University include, most importantly, the education of some 100 graduate students, post-doctoral students, and scientific visitors, a great many of whom hold senior positions in the field. (As a teacher and lecturer, he was adamant that students should be “challenged rather than entertained.” As he put it, “Berkeley is an institution of learning, not an institution of teaching.”) He was also active in executive service to the University, serving as Associate Dean of the Graduate School and Acting Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, as well as on many academic and administrative committees. On his retirement in 1995, he was awarded the Berkeley Citation for his contributions to the University.

As a person, Gareth was well-described as one who was truly alive, always excited about something, always pursuing some new (and, occasionally, crazy) idea, and always stimulating those around him. As a young man, he was an athlete, as a fly-half in rugby who was good enough to play for the Olympic Club (and sacrifice a few teeth in the process). In his maturity, he was partial to great wines, gourmet food, and automobiles. He maintained a notoriously unreliable green Jaguar for many years (“Do you know what they call Jaguar owners?” he once moaned, “Pedestrians.”) Though an enthusiastic American citizen, Gareth was a Welshman at heart. He was returned to his home in Wales on his death on February 6, 2014, and is buried there.

He is survived by his second wife, Annelies, his son, Julian, his daughter-in-law Kimberly, and his two grandchildren.

Obituary: by Kathleen Tierney, The Daily Californian

UC Berkeley professor emeritus Gareth Thomas, known as a leader in the field of electron microscopy, died Feb. 7. He was 81. Thomas grew up in Wales and obtained a doctorate in metallurgy at Cambridge University in 1955. He brought his knowledge and skills as an electron microscopist to UC Berkeley when he joined the faculty in 1960.

In 1976, he, along with Robert Glaeser and John Cowley, proposed the creation of a National Center for Electron Microscopy at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and oversaw its construction. After the NCEM was officially established in 1983, he served as its director until 1991. “Through hard work and talent of persuasion, he founded, mostly through federal backing, an electron microscopy center which soon became the top one in the country,” said Didier de Fontaine, longtime friend and colleague of Thomas.

According to Uli Dahmen, director of the NCEM and Thomas’ former student, Thomas’ vision and dedication laid the groundwork for the NCEM’s many successes, which include surpassing barriers of microscopic resolution, down to the level of half an Angstrom, smaller than the diameter of a single hydrogen atom. “He put Berkeley on the map and made it a worldwide center for electron microscopy that attracted scientists from all over the world,” Dahmen said. “What set him apart was the fact that he was a microscopist with a big vision, and that’s how he was able to convince other people of its importance.” Thomas also achieved the rare honor of being elected into both the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering in 1983 and 1982, respectively. In 2009, Thomas was elected a fellow at the Microscopy Society of America.

In addition to his research at the NCEM and an extensive list of publications, Thomas was also a dedicated professor. He advised and graduated more than 100 Berkeley graduate students and in 2006 was named professor emeritus. “He trained a generation of students who went on to be leaders in the field of materials research,” said Mark Asta, professor and chair of the materials science and engineering department, in an email.

De Fontaine remembers Thomas as not only a devoted scientist but also an avid rugby player in his early years in Berkeley. “He was a hard-driving, fiery Welshman who in fact had played a mean game of rugby as a young man,” de Fontaine said. Dahmen described Thomas, who was known for being competitive and driven, as “the life of the party.” “It was always a pleasure to share a bottle from his collection of fine wines,” said Berkeley professor emeritus James Evans, a former colleague and friend of Thomas.

Thomas is survived by his second wife and his son, Julian Thomas, from his first marriage. He will be laid to rest in Wales.

Obituary: by Jeff Th. M. De Hosson (Editor for Acta Materialia, Inc.), Subhash Mahajan (Coordinating Editor Acta Materialia/Scripta Materialia/Acta Biomaterialia), George T. (Rusty) Gray, III (Chairman, Board of Governors, Acta Materialia, Inc.), Ramamoorthy Ramesh (University of California, Berkeley, U.S.)

UC Berkeley professor emeritus Gareth Thomas, known worldwide as a leader in the field of physical metallurgy and electron microscopy, passed away on February 6, 2014 in the town of Oestgeest, the Netherlands. He was 81.

Professor Gareth Thomas received his B.Sc. in Metallurgy at the University of Wales in 1952, and his Ph.D. at Cambridge University in 1955, followed by his Sc.D. in Metallurgy at Cambridge University in 1969. His studies in Cambridge were at St. Catharine College, a constituent college of the University, often referred to by the nickname "Catz". In the early sixties of the last century, Gareth Thomas stood on the threshold of something vastly new: i.e. the development of transmission electron microscopy to solve materials problems, and in fact, he published one of the very first textbooks, together with Mike Goringe, on transmission electron microscopy of materials.

Gareth Thomas became a world-renowned expert expounding on the interplay between microstructure, processing, and the properties of a variety of high-technology materials. His research was directed at understanding the structure of inorganic materials using the power of the electron microscope, then using the results to improve existing materials or to tailor the microstructure of new materials to achieve the desired properties, including economic feasibility. He applied his skills with great success to a wide variety of materials (e.g. metals, ceramics, semiconductors, and magnets, etc.).

In 1976, he, along with Robert Glaeser and John Cowley, proposed the creation of a National Center for Electron Microscopy at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. After the NCEM was officially established in 1983, he served as its first director until 1991. He was passionate to get his center off and running, with a great sense of urgency.

His seminal work at NCEM/UCB, embellished in more than 500 publications and a dozen patents, stimulated hundreds of investigations worldwide over the last 50 years, clarifying structural aspects and thereby permitting analysis of the structural properties. His work has been recognized with numerous national and international awards, far too many to list separately in this obituary. When asked, he told us that he was most proud of being elected into the National Academy of Sciences (1983) and the National Academy of Engineering (1984) of the U.S., and of the Acta Materialia Gold medal (2003).

In addition to his research, Gareth Thomas was also a dedicated supervisor and professor. He advised and graduated more than 100 Berkeley graduate students, a feat matched in our field by only a very few. He provided young people with all his support and very importantly also the credits for their scientific work. He used to say a university is usually defined as an institution for education but a more appropriate definition would be to say: a university is an academic institution for learning, both for students and professors! In addition to materials science, he was always involved and interested in ‘science policy’ as well as in ‘politics in science’. He served as the Graduate Studies Associate Dean in 1968, Assistant to the Chancellor in 1969-72, Academic Affairs Acting Vice Chancellor from 1971-72, and as the Faculty of the College of Engineering Chairman in 1972-73 of Berkeley. 

In his long, long life – filled with adversity, grief, and jealousy (“I got it all”, he told us once), the terrible illness of Alzheimer’s did not spare him. But, he remained cheerful and caring, a bit of an "impatient and busy bee", very interested in his surroundings, and socially highly developed and committed. He was a very charming person, even until the very end.

To outsiders, ‘science’ may sound rather boring and undercooled, but having known Gareth, science had everything to do with emotions; to get scientific ideas, papers, grants, and funding accepted by the community… it was very emotional (‘plane stress’ or ‘plane strain’).

Gareth also was at times a hothead, like a spitfire, but what we admire is that he remained authentic, always trustable as a colleague, reliable as a friend, and with an amazing passion and a sense of urgency in everything he did: from his beloved wine tasting to being technical director of Acta Materialia, Inc. Board of Governors and Editor in Chief of Acta Materialia and Scripta Materialia (1995-1998), one of the foremost journals in our field. Besides having a vision of microscopy for materials engineering, i.e. as he would say ‘gaining sight after being blind’, he was also a visionary chairman of the Board of Governors of Acta Materialia, Inc. by promoting the idea of establishing a new journal called Acta BioMaterialia. This turned out to be an excellent and extremely successful idea. It goes without saying that the journal receives and enjoys a very high impact in the field of biomaterials.

An important rule, as it seems to us, is what Gareth adapted from his beloved rugby sport, and that is: be fair and play fair! Foul play includes: kicking or tripping players and tackling too early, or too late, above the shoulders, as it reads in rugby language, and Gareth hated this kind of foul play. As official rugby instructions read: the rule of play fair aims at keeping injuries to a minimum. This is what Gareth advocated for all of us: be fair in science and in life, keeping injuries to a minimum. But, sometimes you need a scrum where players from each team bind together in their own 3-4-1 formation in a crouching position.

Gareth loved intellectual scrums and we all loved him for that as well. We will miss him and we remain thankful for what he has given to us as a scientist and as a memorable and extremely charming person.


Research Fields
  • Microstructural Design of Advanced Materials
  • Metallurgy (steels)
  • Ceramics (for high temperatures)
  • Magnetic Materials (hard, soft, recording)
  • Advanced Electron Microscopy and Applications in MSE
  • Transmission Electron Microscopy of Materials, G.Thomas, M.J. Goringe, TechBooks, Fairfax, VA 22032, (1981)
  • Stereographic Projection and Application, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1969

Over 500 publications.

Selected Publications:

  • "Structure-Property Relations: Impact on Electron Microscopy," in Mechanics and Materials: Fundamentals and Linkages, Marc A. Meyers, Ronald W. Armstrong and Helmut Kirchner, eds. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1999, pp. 99-121; LBNL 40317.
  • "Nd Rich Nd-Fe-B Tailored for Maximum Coercivity," Er. Girt, Kannan M. Krishnan, G. Thomas, C. J. Echer and Z. Altounian, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 577, Michael Coey et al., eds. Warrendale, PA: The Materials Research Society, 1999, pp. 247-252.
  • "Some Relaxation Processes in Nanostructures and Diffusion Gradients in Functional Materials," G. Thomas, in Deformation-Induced Microstructures: Analysis and Relation to Properties (Proc. 20th Risø International Symposium on Mat. Sci.,), J. B. Bilde-Sørensen, J. V. Carstensen, N. Hansen, D. Juul Jensen, T. Leffers, W. Pantleon, O. B. Pedersen and G. Winther, eds., Risø National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark, 1999, pp. 505-521.
  • "Origin of Giant Magnetoresistance in Conventional AlNiCo5 Magnets," A. Hütten, G. Reiss, W. Saikaly and G. Thomas, Acta Materialia 49, 827-835 (2001).
  • "Novel Joining of Dissimilar Ceramics in the Si3N4–Al2O3 System Using Polytypoid Functional Gradients," Caroline S. Lee, Xiao Feng Zhang and Gareth Thomas, Acta Materialia vol.49, 3767-3773,&3775-3780 (2001).

Recent Publications (1995-2002)

Publications 2002

  • "Temperature and Ion Irradiation Dependence of Magnetic Domains and Microstructure in Co/Pt Multilayers," G. J. Kusinski, G. Thomas, G. Denbeaux, K. M. Krishnan and B. D. Terris, J. Appl. Phys. 91, 7541-7543 (2002).
  • "Structure of Magnetic Co/Pt Multilayers," G. J. Kusinski, K. M. Krishnan and G. Thomas, Proc. 15th Intl Congress on Electron Microscopy, Vol. 1, p. 137 (2002).
  • "Transmission (Electron and X-Ray) Microscopy of Patterned Co/Pt Multilayers," G. J. Kusinski, G. Denbeaux, K. M. Krishnan and G. Thomas, Proc. 15th Intl Congress on Electron Microscopy, Vol. 1, p. 315 (2002).
  • "Physical and Magnetic Modification of Co/Pt Multilayers by Ion Irradiation," G. J. Kusinski and G. Thomas, Microsc. Microanal. 8, 319-322 (2002).
  • "Magnetic Reversal of Ion Beam Patterned Co/Pt Multilayers," Greg J. Kusinski, Kannan M. Krishnan, Gregory Denbeaux and Gareth Thomas, paper presented at Nano Adv. Mag. Mat., Irsee, Germany, 9-13 June 2002, and to be published in Scripta Materialia.
  • "Structure and Magnetic Properties of Nanostructured Heterogeneous Au-Co Alloys," V. Y. Zenou, G. J. Kusinski, L. Yue and G. Thomas, submitted to J. Mat Sci.

Publications 2001

  • "Origin of Giant Magnetoresistance in Conventional AlNiCo5 Magnets," A. Htten, G. Reiss, W. Saikaly and G. Thomas, Acta Materialia 49, 827-835 (2001).
  • "Optimization of Magnetic Properties of Nanostructured Nd-Fe-B: Approaching Ideal Stoner-Wolfarth Behaviour," Er. Girt, Kannan M. Krishnan and G. Thomas, Scripta Materialia 44, 1431-1435 (2001).
  • "Structural and Magnetic Properties of High Coercivity Co/Pt Multilayers," D. Weller, L. Folks, M. Best, E. F. Fullerton, B. D. Terris, G. J. Kusinski, K. M. Krishnan and G. Thomas, J. Appl. Phys. 89, 7525-7527 (2001).
  • "Magnetic Imaging of Ion-Irradiation Patterned Co/Pt Multilayers Using Complementary Electron and Photon Probes," G. J. Kusinski, K. M. Krishnan, G. Thomas, G. Denbeaux, D. Weller and B. D. Terris, Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, 2211-2213 (2001).
  • "Mechanical Properties of Polytypoidally Joined Si3N4 Al2O3," Caroline S. Lee, Lutgard C. De Jonghe and Gareth Thomas, Acta Materialia 49, 3767-3773 (2001).
  • "Novel Joining of Dissimilar Ceramics in the Si3N4 Al2O3 System Using Polytypoid Functional Gradients," Caroline S. Lee, Xiao Feng Zhang and Gareth Thomas, Acta Materialia 49, 3775-3780 (2001).
  • "Lorentz Transmission Electron Microscopy Investigation of Magnetically Patterned Co/Pt Multilayers," G. J. Kusinski, K. M. Krishnan, D. Weller, B. D. Terris, L. Folks, A. J. Kellock, J. E. E. Baglin and G. Thomas, in Magnetic Storage Systems Beyond 2000, G. C. Hadjipanayis, ed. The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, pp. 157-161.

Publications 2000

  • "New Corrosion Improved Low Carbon Steels for Concrete Reinforcement," Gareth Thomas and David Trejo, paper presented at Int'l Conf. on Corrosion and Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Orlando, FL, December 8-11, 1998; electronic publication only.
  • "Structural and Magnetic Properties of Nd2Fe17?xGax (x = 0-2)," Er. Girt, Kannan M. Krishnan, M. Guillot, I. P. Swainson, Z. Altounian and G. Thomas, J. Appl. Phys. 87, 5323?5325 (2000).
  • "Domain Structures and Temperature-Dependent Spin Reorientation Transition in c-axis Oriented Co-Cr Thin Films," G. J. Kusinski, K. M. Krishnan, G. Thomas and E. C. Nelson, J. Appl. Phys. 87, 6376 (2000).
  • "Nanocomposite Nd-rich Nd-Fe-B Alloys: Approaching Ideal Stoner-Wohlfarth Type Behavior," Er. Girt, Kannan M. Krishnan, G. Thomas, and Z. Altounian, Appl. Phys. Lett. 76, 1746-1748 (2000).
  • "Lath (Packet) Martensite Revisited," Gareth Thomas and Greg Kusinski, in Steel Heat Treating in the New Millennium: An International Symposium in Honor of Professor George Krauss. ASM International, 2000, pp. 515-518.
  • "Spherulites of Silicon Carbide: A New Morphology," M. Gopal and G. Thomas, Scripta Mater. 42 (12), 1119-1124 (2000).
  • "Seamless Joining of Silicon Nitride," Mani Gopal, Mark Sixta, Lutgard De Jonghe and Gareth Thomas, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. (in press).
  • "Microstructural Design of Concrete Reinforcing Bars for Improved Corrosion Performance," David Trejo, Paulo J. M. Monteiro, Ben C. Gerwick, Jr., and Gareth Thomas, ACI Materials Journal 97, 78-83 (2000).
  • "Origin of Giant Magnetoresistance in Conventional AlNiCo5 Magnets," A. Hütten, G. Reiss, W. Saikaly and G. Thomas, Acta Materialia (in press).
  • "Optimization of Magnetic Properties of Nanostructured Nd-Fe-B: Approaching Ideal Stoner-Wolfarth Behaviour," Er. Girt, Kannan M. Krishnan and G. Thomas, paper presented at 5th Int'l Conf. on Nanostructured Materials (NANO 2000), Sendai, Japan, August 20-25, and to be published in Scripta Materialia.

Publications 1999

  • "Anomalous thermal expansion in Nd2Fe17-xGax (x = 0 - 2)," Er. Girt, Z.Altounian, I. P. Swainson, Kannan M. Krishnan, G. Thomas, J. Appl. Phys., 85, 4669 (1999).
  • "Nd rich Nd-Fe-B tailored for maximum coercivity," Er. Girt, Kannan M. Krishnan, G. Thomas, C. J. Echer and Z. Altounian, Proceeding of the MRS meeting, Spring 1999 (in press).
  • "Microstructure of Nd-Fe-B alloys tailored to approach theoretical coercivity limits," Kannan M. Krishnan, Er. Girt, G. Thomas, C. Nelson and Hofer, Proceeding of the Microscopy and Microanalyses, 1999 (in press).
  • "Structural and magnetic properties of Nd2Fe17-xGax (x = 0 - 2)," The MMM Conference in San Jose (1999), abstract accepted and paper to be published in J. Appl. Phys.
  • "Approaching the theoretical coercivity of Nd2Fe14B," The MMM Conference in San Jose (1999), abstract accepted and paper to be published in J. Appl. Phys.
  • "Nanocomposite Nd-rich Nd-Fe-B alloys: approaching ideal Stoner-Wohlfarth type behavior," submitted to Appl. Phys. Lett.

Publications 1998

  • "Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis of Advanced Materials," Gareth Thomas and Mani Gopal, plenary lecture presented at Conference on Powder Characterization for Advanced Materials Manufacture, Gijón, Spain, June 16-20, 1997 and to be published in J. Eur. Ceram. Soc.; LBNL 40409.
  • "X-Ray Optical Multilayers: Microstructure Limits on Reflectivity at Ultra-Short Periods," C. C. Walton, G. Thomas and J. B. Kortright, Acta Mater. 46, 3767-3775 (1998).
  • "The Effect of Nitrogenation on GMR and Microstructures of Granular (Ni0.8Fe0.2)20Ag80 Thin Films," T. S. Oh, W. K. Choo, K. H. Park and G. Thomas, Acta Mater. 46, 3813-3820 (1998).
  • "Microstructural Design and Tailoring of Advanced Materials," in Boundaries and Interfaces in Materials: The David A. Smith Symposium, R. C. Pond, W. A. T. Clark, A. H. King and D. B. Williams, eds., The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 1998, pp. 3-17.
  • "In-Plane Boundary Effects on the Magnetotransport Properties of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3?d," J. Y. Gu, S. B. Ogale, M. Rajeswari, T. Venkatesan, R. Ramesh, V. Radmilovic, U. Dahmen, G. Thomas and T. W. Noh, Appl. Phys. Lett. 72, 1113-1115 (1998). 6. "Silicon Nitride: From Sintering to Joining," Mani Gopal, L. C. De Jonghe and G. Thomas, Acta Mater. 47, 2401-2405 (1998).
  • "Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis of Advanced Ceramics," Gareth Thomas and Mani Gopal, Key Engineering Materials 159-160, 235-244 (1999).
  • "Microstructural Design and Tailoring of Advanced Materials: The Impact of Electron Microscopy," G. Thomas, in J. Eng. Materials (Poland), 1, 75-90 (1998).
  • "Structure-Property Relations: Impact on Electron Microscopy," in Proceedings of IMM (UCSD) Fifth Summer School on Mechanics-Materials Linkage, Washington, DC, August 4-15, 1997. New York: J. Wiley & Sons (in press); LBNL 40317.
  • Three chapters in Impact of Electron and Scanning Probe Microscopy on Materials Research. The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers (in press).
  • "Structure and Properties of Some Low Carbon Steels," Greg Kusinski and Gareth Thomas, invited, 1st Int. Automotive Heat Treating Conference, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, July 13-15, l998, (eds: R. Colas, K. Funatani, C.A. Stickels), ASM International, p 17-25. (1998).

Publications 1997

  • "Microstructure and Magnetic Effects of Small Cu Additions to (Nd,Dy) FeB Magnets," H. J. Engelmann, A. S. Kim and G. Thomas, Scripta Mater. 36, 55-62 (1997); LBNL-39185.
  • "Indentation and Oxidation Studies on Silicon Nitride Joints," Mani Gopal, Lutgard C. De Jonghe and Gareth Thomas, in Ceramic Joining, Ivar E. Reimanis, Charles H. Henager Jr., and Antoni P. Tomsia eds. Westerville, Ohio: American Ceramic Society, 1997; LBNL-38885.
  • "Silicon Nitride Joining Using Rare-Earth Reaction Sintering," Mani Gopal, Lutgard C. De Jonghe and Gareth Thomas, Scripta Mater. 36, 455-460 (1997); LBNL-39184.
  • "Characterization of Nano-Magnetic Structures," Gareth Thomas and Andreas Hütten, NanoStructured Materials 9, 271-280 (1997); LBNL-39186.
  • "Magnetic Properties of Nd-Fe-B Films Analyzed by Lorentz Microscopy," H. Lemke, G. Thomas and D. L. Medlin, NanoStructured Materials 9, 371-374 (1997); LBNL-39187.
  • "Epitaxial Magnetic Garnet Heterostructures," R. Ramesh, B. Simion and G. Thomas, J. Phys. IV France 7, C1-695?698 (1997); LBNL-39188.
  • "Influence of Small Cu Additions on the Microscopical Magnetic Properties of Sintered Nd-Fe-B Magnets," H. Lemke and G. Thomas, Scripta Materialia 37, 1651-1657 (1997); LBNL-39965.
  • "TEM Study of Nanocrystalline NdFeB," M. V. P. Altoé, C. E. Echer and G. Thomas, NanoStructured Materials 8, 19-28 (1997); LBNL-39964.
  • "Thin Nd-Fe-B Films Analyzed by Lorentz and Magnetic Force Microscopy," H. Lemke, T. Göddenhenrich, C. Heiden and G. Thomas, IEEE Trans. Magn. 33, 3865-7 (1997).
  • "The Impact of Electron Microscopy on Materials Science Research," (1) Proc. 13th National Electron Microscopy Congress, Ankara, Turkey, September 1-4, 1997 and (2) Acta Microscopica 6, Suppl. B, 109-122 (1997).
  • "Interfacial Uncompensated Antiferromagnetic Spins: Role in Unidirectional Anisotropy in Polycrystalline Ni81Fe19/CoO Bilayers," Kentaro Takano, R. H. Kodama, A. E. Berkowitz, W. Cao and G. Thomas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 1130 (1997).

Publications 1996

  • "IFSEM 1995: Objectives, Organization, and Functions," Arvid B. Maunsbach and Gareth Thomas, Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics 96, 21-35 (1996).
  • "GMR Behavior of Nanostructured Heterogeneous M-Co (M=Cu, Ag, Au) Alloys," J. Bernardi, A. Hütten, and G. Thomas, NanoStructured Materials 7 205-220 (1996); LBL-37600.
  • "Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis of Ceramics," G. Thomas, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 16, 323-338 (1996); LBL-37599.
  • "Mullite-Aluminosilicate Glassy Matrix Substrates Obtained by Reactive Coating," J. Requena, J. F. Bartolemé, J. S. Moya, S. de Aza, F. Guitian and G. Thomas, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 16, 249-254 (1996).
  • "Dual-Phase Steels Revisited: Reinforcement for Concrete," G. Thomas, Trans. Indian Inst. Met. 49, 127-132 (1996); LBL-37601.
  • "Electron Microscopy of Giant Magnetoresistive Granular Au-Co Alloys," J. Bernardi, A. Hütten and G. Thomas, J. Mag. Magn. Mater. 157/158, 153-155 (1996).
  • "Electron Microscopy of Thin Films Prepared by Laser Ablation," H. Lemke, C. Echer and G. Thomas, IEEE Trans. Magn. 32 (1996); LBL-38465.
  • "Transmission Electron Microscopy of Advanced Materials," G. Thomas, in Proceedings of IX Conference on Electron Microscopy of Solids (plenary lecture), A. Czyrska-Filemenowicz et al., eds., pp. 3-10, 1996; LBL-38466.
  • "In-Situ TEM Examination of Crystallization Process in Amorphous Fe-Si-B Melt Spun Alloys," J. Kusinski and G. Thomas, in Proceedings of IX Conference on Electron Microscopy of Solids, A. Czyrska-Filemenowicz et al., eds., pp. 339-342, 1996.
  • Foreword to David B. Williams and C. Barry Carter, Transmission Electron Microscopy: A Textbook for Materials Science, Plenum Press, New York, 1996, p. vii.

Publications 1995

  • "TEM Investigations of Multilayered Structures in Heterogeneous Au-Co Alloys," J. Bernardi, A. Hütten, S. Friedrichs, C. E. Echer and G. Thomas, phys. stat. sol. (a) 147, 165 (1995); LBL-36238.
  • "Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of Microstructure and [112? 0]//[001] Polycrystalline Epitaxy of CoNiCr/Cr Bilayer Films," Li Tang, Dong Lu, and Gareth Thomas, J. Appl. Phys. 77, 47-53 (1995); LBL-36194.
  • "Microstructure of Silicon Nitride Ceramics Sintered with Rare-Earth Oxides," Yasuhiro Goto and Gareth Thomas, Acta Metall. Mater. 43, 923-930 (1995); LBL-36192.
  • "Phase Transformation and Microstructural Changes of Si3N4 During Sintering," Yasuhiro Goto and Gareth Thomas, J. Mater. Sci. 30, 2194-2200 (1995); LBL-36193.
  • "Growth and Characterization of (Y3Fe5O12-Bi3Fe5O12) Heterostructures by Pulsed Laser Deposition," B. M. Simion, G. Thomas, R. Ramesh, V. G. Keramidas, and R. L. Pfeffer, Appl. Phys. Lett. 66, 830-832 (1995); LBL-36236.
  • "Microstructural Influence on Magnetic Properties and Giant Magnetoresistance of Melt-Spun Gold-Cobalt," A. Hütten, J. Bernardi, S. Friedrichs, G. Thomas and L. Balcells, Scripta Metall. Mater. 33, 1647-1666 (1995); LBL-36982.
  • "Mullite Whisker-Molybdenum Disilicide Composites," A. A. McFayden, G. Thomas, and J. J. Petrovic, Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Vol. 16, No. 4, Am. Ceram. Soc., 1995, pp. 147-154; LBL 36983.
  • "Dual-Phase Ferritic Martensitic Steels for Concrete Reinforcement," David Trejo, Paulo Monteiro and Gareth Thomas, Proc. 5th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, J. F. Dos Santos, Ivar Langen, Charles P. Ellinas and Yukio Ueda, eds., International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, 1995, pp. 177-182; LBL-36984.
  • "Magnetic and Magneto-Optical Properties of Y3Fe5O12/Eu1Bi2Fe5O12 Heterostructures," B. M. Simion, G. Thomas and R. Ramesh, IEEE Trans. Magn. 31, 3242-3244 (1995).
  • "Lorentz Microscopy of Giant Magnetoresistive Au-Co," A. Hütten, J. Bernardi, C. Nelson, and G. Thomas, phys. stat. sol. (a) 150, 171-184 (1995); LBL-37598.
  • "Microstructural Characterization of Granular Au-Co GMR Material by Lorentz Microscopy," J. Bernardi, A. Hütten, C. Nelson, and G. Thomas, Proc. Microscopy and Microanalysis 1995, G. W. Bailey, M. H. Ellisman, R. A. Hennigar and N. J. Zaluzec, eds., Jones & Begell, 1995, pp. 178-179.
  • "Microstructure and Microanalysis of Neodymium Iron Boron Magnets Sintered with Aluminium," M. Chandramouli and G. Thomas, Proc. Microscopy and Microanalysis 1995, G. W. Bailey, M. H. Ellisman, R. A. Hennigar and N. J. Zaluzec, eds., Jones & Begell, 1995, pp. 486-487.
  • "Preparation of Cross Section Samples of Ferrimagnetic Iron Garnet Thin Films for Electron Microscopy Structural Characterization," B. M. Simion, R. Ramesh, and G. Thomas, Proc. Microscopy and Microanalysis 1995, G. W. Bailey, M. H. Ellisman, R. A. Hennigar and N. J. Zaluzec, eds., Jones & Begell, 1995, pp. 514-515.
  • "In-situ TEM Observations of the Microstructural Changes During Early Aging Stages in Al-Li-Cu-Mg-Zr(x) Alloys," J. Kusinski and G. Thomas, J. Mat. Process. Techn. 53, 247-254 (1995).
  • 1999 Giant Magnetoresistive Heterogeneous Alloys and Method of Making Same (J. J. Bernardi, G. Thomas, and A. R. Huetten), U.S. Patent 5,882,436.
  • 1998 Giant Magnetoresistive Heterogeneous Alloys and Method of Making Same (J. J. Bernardi, G. Thomas, and A. R. Huetten), U.S. Patent 5,824,165.
  • 1994 Lamellar Microstructures for Giant Magneto-Resistance in Heterogeneous Alloys, DOE Docket No. S-82,477 (RL-12900) (Gareth Thomas, Andreas R. Hütten and Johannes J. Bernardi), patent issued 1997.
  • 1990 High Energy Product Permanent Magnet Having Improved Intrinsic Coercivity and Method of Making Same, DOE Ref. No. S-67,519 (R. Ramesh and G. Thomas), U. S. Patent 4,968,347.
  • 1989 Method of Producing a Dense Refractory Silicon Nitride (Si3N4) Compact with One or More Crystalline Intergranular Phases (G. Thomas, S. M. Johnson, and T. R. Dinger), U.S. Patent 4,830,800.
  • 1987 Method of Forming High-Strength, Corrosion-Resistant Steel (G. Thomas, N. J. Kim, and R. Ramesh), U.S. Patent 4,671,827. This patent is owned by G. Thomas.
  • 1986 Controlled Rolling Process for Dual Phase Steels and Applications to Rod, Wire, Sheet and Other Shapes (G. Thomas, J. H. Ahn, and N. J. Kim), U.S. Patent 4,619,714.
  • 1986 High Strength, Low Carbon, Dual Phase Steel Rods and Wires and Process for Making Same (G. Thomas and A. Nakagawa), U.S. Patent 4,613,385.
  • 1979 Method of Making High Strength, Tough Alloy Steels (G. Thomas and B. V. N. Rao), U.S. Patent 4,170,499.
  • 1979 High Strength, Tough Alloy Steels (G. Thomas and B. V. N. Rao), U.S. Patent 4,170,497.
  • 1978 High Strength, High Ductility Low Carbon Steel (G. Thomas and J. Koo), U.S. Patent 4,067,756.
  • 1964 Process for Improving Strength and Corrosion Resistance of Aluminum Alloys, U.S.Patent 3,133,839.
Additional Publications
  • Ahn, C. C., & Thomas, G. (1983). MICROSTRUCTURE AND GRAIN-BOUNDARY COMPOSITION OF HOT-PRESSED SILICON-NITRIDE WITH YTTRIA AND ALUMINA. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 66(1), 14-17. doi: 10.1111/j.1151-2916.1983.tb09959
  • Ahn, J., & Thomas, G. (1984). THE STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF DRAWN DUAL-PHASE STEEL WIRE. Journal of Metals, 36(12), 14-14.
  • Ahn, J. H., Thomas, G., & Koo, J. Y. (1979). INFLUENCE OF GRAIN-SIZE ON THE MECHANICAL-PROPERTIES OF DUAL PHASE STEELS. Journal of Metals, 31(12), 129-129.
  • Altoe, M. V. P., Chandramouli, M., & Thomas, G. (1996). Microstructure of flash and conventionally annealed melt spun NdFeB. Journal of Applied Physics, 79(8), 4846-4846.
  • Altoe, M. V. P., Echer, C. E., & Thomas, G. (1997). TEM study of nanocrystalline NdFeB. Nanostructured Materials, 8(1), 19-28. doi: 10.1016/s0965-9773(97)00072-x
  • Barnard, S. J., Smith, G. D. W., Sarikaya, M., & Thomas, G. (1981). CARBON-ATOM DISTRIBUTION IN A DUAL PHASE STEEL - AN ATOM PROBE STUDY. Scripta Metallurgica, 15(4), 387-392. doi: 10.1016/0036-9748(81)90216-7
  • Bear, D. G., Ng, R., Vanderveer, D., Johnson, N. P., Thomas, G., Schleich, T., & Noller, H. F. (1976). ALTERATION OF POLYNUCLEOTIDE SECONDARY STRUCTURE BY RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN-S1. Biophysical Journal, 16(2), A10-A10.
  • Bear, D. G., Ng, R., Vanderveer, D., Johnson, N. P., Thomas, G., Schleich, T., & Noller, H. F. (1976). ALTERATION OF POLYNUCLEOTIDE SECONDARY STRUCTURE BY RIBOSOMAL-PROTEIN S1. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 73(6), 1824-1828. doi: 10.1073/pnas.73.6.1824
  • Belli, Y., Kubarych, K., Okada, M., Mishra, R., & Thomas, G. (1979). EFFECTS OF V AND V+TI ON THE MAGNETIC AND MECHANICAL-PROPERTIES OF FE-CR-CO HARD MAGNETS. Journal of Applied Physics, 50(3), 2362-2362. doi: 10.1063/1.327004
  • Belli, Y., Okada, M., Thomas, G., Homma, M., & Kaneko, H. (1978). MICROSTRUCTURE AND MAGNETIC-PROPERTIES OF FE-CR-CO-V ALLOYS. Journal of Applied Physics, 49(3), 2049-2051. doi: 10.1063/1.324701
  • Berkowitz, A. E., Mitchell, J. R., Carey, M. J., Young, A. P., Rao, D., Starr, A., . . . Thomas, G. (1993). GIANT MAGNETORESISTANCE IN HETEROGENEOUS CU-CO AND AG-CO ALLOY-FILMS. Journal of Applied Physics, 73(10), 5320-5325. doi: 10.1063/1.353767
  • Berkowitz, A. E., Mitchell, J. R., Carey, M. J., Young, A. P., Zhang, S., Spada, F. E., . . . Thomas, G. (1992). GIANT MAGNETORESISTANCE IN HETEROGENEOUS CU-CO ALLOYS. Physical Review Letters, 68(25), 3745-3748. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.68.3745
  • Bernardi, J., Hutten, A., Friedrichs, S., Echer, C. E., & Thomas, G. (1995). TEM INVESTIGATION OF MULTILAYERED STRUCTURES IN HETEROGENEOUS AU-CO ALLOYS. Physica Status Solidi a-Applied Research, 147(1), 165-175. doi: 10.1002/pssa.2211470117
  • Bernardi, J., Hutten, A., & Thomas, G. (1996). Electron microscopy of giant magnetoresistive granular Au-Co alloys. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 157, 153-155. doi: 10.1016/0304-8853(95)01022-x
  • Bernardi, J., Hutten, A., & Thomas, G. (1996). GMR behavior of nanostructured heterogeneous M-Co(M=Cu,Ag,Au) alloys. Nanostructured Materials, 7(1-2), 205-220. doi: 10.1016/0965-9773(95)00310-x
  • Bordet, P., Capponi, J. J., Chaillout, C., Chateigner, D., Chenavas, J., Fournier, T., . . . Varela, A. (1991). HIGH-PRESSURE SYNTHESIS AND STRUCTURAL STUDY OF R2CUO4 COMPOUNDS WITH R = Y, TB, DY, HO, ER, TM. Physica C, 185, 539-540. doi: 10.1016/0921-4534(91)92072-j
  • Bordet, P., Capponi, J. J., Chaillout, C., Chateigner, D., Chenavas, J., Fournier, T., . . . Varela, A. (1992). HIGH-PRESSURE SYNTHESIS AND STRUCTURAL STUDY OF R2CUO4 COMPOUNDS WITH R = Y, TB, DY, HO, ER, TM. Physica C, 193(1-2), 178-188. doi: 10.1016/0921-4534(92)90885-g
  • Bose, S., Dahmen, U., Bragg, R. H., & Thomas, G. (1978). LATTICE IMAGE OF LMSC GLASSY CARBON. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 61(3-4), 174-174. doi: 10.1111/j.1151-2916.1978.tb09265.x
  • Bouchard, M., & Thomas, G. (1975). PHASE-TRANSITIONS AND MODULATED STRUCTURES IN ORDERED (CU-MN)3AL ALLOYS. Acta Metallurgica, 23(12), 1485-1500. doi: 10.1016/0001-6160(75)90159-5
  • Brodsky, M., Doria, R., Allen, B., Sato, D., Thomas, G., & Sada, M. (1992). NEW-ONSET VENTRICULAR-TACHYCARDIA DURING PREGNANCY. American Heart Journal, 123(4), 933-941. doi: 10.1016/0002-8703(92)90699-v
  • Cabrol, N. A., Chong-Diaz, G., Stoker, C. R., Gulick, V. C., Landheim, R., Lee, P., . . . Witzke, B. (2001). Nomad Rover Field Experiment, Atacama Desert, Chile 1. Science results overview. Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets, 106(E4), 7785-7806. doi: 10.1029/1999je001166
  • Callahan, D. L., & Thomas, G. (1990). IMPURITY DISTRIBUTION IN POLYCRYSTALLINE ALUMINUM NITRIDE CERAMICS. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 73(7), 2167-2170. doi: 10.1111/j.1151-2916.1990.tb05298.x
  • Callahan, D. L., & Thomas, G. (1992). CONVERGENT BEAM ELECTRON-DIFFRACTION ANALYSIS OF LATTICE SHIFTS IN ALUMINUM NITRIDE. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 75(5), 1092-1096. doi: 10.1111/j.1151-2916.1992.tb05543.x
  • Cao, W., Thomas, G., Carey, M. J., & Berkowitz, A. E. (1991). CHARACTERIZATION OF EPITAXIAL SPUTTERED NIXCO1-XO THIN-FILMS ON ALPHA-AL2O3 USING TRANSMISSION ELECTRON-MICROSCOPY. Scripta Metallurgica Et Materialia, 25(12), 2633-2638. doi: 10.1016/0956-716x(91)90130-s
  • Cao, W., Thomas, G., Carey, M. J., & Berkowitz, A. E. (1994). MICROSTRUCTURE OF SPUTTERED EPITAXIAL NI0.80FE0.20/NIXCO1-X EXCHANGE-COUPLED BILAYERS ON ALPHA-AL2O3 (0001). Journal of Electronic Materials, 23(10), 1043-1046. doi: 10.1007/bf02650373
  • Carey, M. J., Spada, F. E., Berkowitz, A. E., Cao, W., & Thomas, G. (1991). PREPARATION AND STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION OF SPUTTERED COO, NIO, AND NI0.5CO0.5O THIN EPITAXIAL-FILMS. Journal of Materials Research, 6(12), 2680-2687. doi: 10.1557/jmr.1991.2680
  • Carlson, M. F., Rao, B. V. N., & Thomas, G. (1979). EFFECT OF AUSTENITIZING TEMPERATURE UPON THE MICROSTRUCTURE AND MECHANICAL-PROPERTIES OF EXPERIMENTAL FE-CR-C STEELS. Metallurgical Transactions a-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 10(9), 1273-1284. doi: 10.1007/bf02811983
  • Chan, L. H., Thomas, G., & Gau, J. S. (1989). MAGNETIC-PROPERTIES AND MICROSTRUCTURE OF CO-CR BULK ALLOYS. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 79(1), 95-108. doi: 10.1016/0304-8853(89)90297-7
  • Chandramouli, M., Hutten, A., & Thomas, G. (1994). ON THE RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, AND EXPLOITATION OF MAGNETIC-MATERIALS. Scripta Metallurgica Et Materialia, 30(6), 671-676. doi: 10.1016/0956-716x(94)90180-5
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Annually an Award Ceremony will be organized, where the nominees for the Gareth Thomas Materials Excellence Award of the year will receive their award.

The 4 runner-up nominees will be competing for the Gareth Thomas Best Presentation Award by presenting a talk about their research.

Selection for the GT Best Presentation Award will be made by a panel of the former Award winners of the GT Materials Excellence Award, as well as the Invited honorary guest speakers of the GT Award Ceremony.

GT Award Ceremony Committee:

  1. The Chair of the Materials Science and Engineering Department at UC Berkeley.
  2. The Director of the Program in Materials Science and Engineering at UC San Diego. 
  3. Professor Marc A. Meyers- UC San Diego
  4. Professor Mark Asta- UC Berkeley
  5. Professor Andrew M. Minor- UC Berkeley & NCEM
  6. Professor Renkun Chen- UC San Diego
  7. Professor Ruijuan Xu- NC State University
  8. Mrs. Annelies Zeeman-Thomas



People smiling

People smiling

Woman speaking

group of people standing

People smiling

People smiling

People smiling

Men shaking hands

People eating dinner


People smiling

People smiling

People smiling

Person giving lecture






People smiling

People smiling

People smiling

People smiling

People smiling

People smiling












People smiling


People smiling


People smiling


People smiling






People smiling

People smiling

People smiling


People smiling


University of California San Diego Donors

Renkun Chen
Vlado Lubarda
Sungho Jin
Xanthippi Markenscoff
Marc Meyers
Pedro Meyers
Sia Nemat Nasser
Julie Weertman ✝︎
Annelies Zeeman
Bryan Huey

University of California, Berkeley Donors

​​​​Alan Ardell
D. Barber ✝︎
Mark Fredrick Carlson
Lutgard C. De Jonghe
Kannan Krishnan
Kenneth Kubarych
Kuo-Chung Liu
Subhash Mahajan
William Nix
Srinivasa Ranganathan
Nancy Ravenzwaay-Gustin
Caroline Sunyong Lee
Hiroyuki Tokushige
Nicholas Wilson
Annelies Zeeman

Recipients 2023: 

  • Muyang Lin,  UC San Diego

  • Pravin Kavle, UC Berkeley

Recipients 2022: 

  • Wonjun Yim,  UC San Diego

  • Emma Vargo, UC Berkeley

Best Presentation Award 2022:

  • Maria Folgueras, UC Berkeley

Recipients 2021: 

  • Audrey Velasco-Hogan, UC San Diego

  • Stefano Cestellos-Blanco, UC Berkeley

Recipients 2020:

  • Kevin Kaufmann, UC San Diego

  • Ruopeng Zhang, UC Berkeley

Recipients 2019:

  • Zezhou Li, UC San Diego

  • Justin Ondry, UC Berkeley

Recipients 2018:

  • Zhenbin Wang, UC San Diego

  • Max Poschmann, UC Berkeley

Best Presentation Award 2018:

  • Sahar Saremi, UC Berkeley

Recipients 2017:

  • Shiteng Zhao, UC San Diego

  • Dohyung Kim, UC Berkeley

Best Presentation Award 2017:

  • Rachel Traylor, UC Berkeley

  • Shishir Pandya, UC Berkeley

Recipients 2016:

  • Eric N. Hahn, UC San Diego

  • Ruijuan Xu, UC Berkeley

Recipients 2015:

  • Steven Naleway, UC San Diego

  • Maarten de Jong, UC Berkeley

Gareth Thomas (1932-2014)




Attendees of the 1961 UC Berkeley conference on the "Impact of TEM on Theories of the Strength of Metals".


China after the end of the Mao era.


Kraków, Poland- 1999  


Kraków, Poland- 1999  


University of Belgrade


Poland - 1999


Gareth Thomas, Jack Gilman, and Frank Nabarro




UC Berkeley (1996-2000)


UC Berkeley (1996-2000)


UC Berkeley (1996-2000)


UC Berkeley (1996-2000)


UC Berkeley (1996-2000)


UC Berkeley (1996-2000)


Cassis, France (2006)


Enjoying the opera (2002)


Provence, France- 2004


Wales- 2002


Final resting place- Wales (Maesteg Garth-Glammorganshire)


Final resting place- Wales (Maesteg Garth-Glammorganshire)

Annelies Zeeman-Thomas


Prof. Marc Andre Meyers

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Department of NanoEngineering

Program in Materials Science and Engineering

UC San Diego

Phone: 858-534-4719 Fax: 858-534-5698


Prof. Mark Asta

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

UC Berkeley

Phone: 510-642-3803